Course curriculum

    1. 1. A Message from Holly, Your Instructor

    2. Monthly ZOOM Q&A Schedule

    3. 2. Why Learn to Make Sauerkraut

    4. 3. The Fermentation Framework [From my In A Pickle program but valuable here.]

    5. 4. Heads Up (Kitchen Scale)

    6. 5. The Magic of a Digital Scale: Your Foundation for Fermentation Success

    7. 6. Join Our Private Facebook Group

    8. 7. How to Use This Course Platform

    9. 8. Disclaimer

    10. 9. Entry Survey

    1. Detailed Course Index [For Future Reference]

    1. 1. The Power of Fermentation: More than Probiotics

    2. 2. How Fermented Foods Supercharge Your Health

    3. 3. The Invisible Universe of the Human Microbiome

    4. 4. The Flavorful World of Fermentation: Types of Fermented Foods

    5. 5. Why Fermentation is Safe

    6. 6. Pickling vs. Brine Pickling vs. Self-Brining vs. Culturing

    7. 8. How to Ferment Sauerkraut: High-Level Overview

    8. 9. Why Sauerkraut?

    1. 1. Introduction: How to Stack the Deck in Your Favor [PDF Downloads]

    2. 2. Digital Scale: Your Most Important Fermentation Tool [Buying Guide]

    3. 3. Salt: Create a Home for the Beneficial Bacteria [Buying Guide]

    4. 4. Cabbage: Types [Buying Guide]

    5. 5. Fermentation Vessel: Provide a Safe Home for the Bacteria [Buying Guide]

    6. 6. Floaties Trap: Keep Loose Bits from Floating to the Surface

    7. 7. Fermentation Weight: Keep Sauerkraut Under the Brine [Home Weights & Buying Guide]

    8. 8. Fermentation Lid: Let Gases Escape [Buying Guide]

    9. 9. Choices for Slicing Your Cabbage

    10. 10. Other Fermentation Supplies

    1. 1. Welcome to My Kitchen Intro Video [PDF Downloads: Fermentation Checklist, Sweet Garlic Recipe]

    2. 2. The Surefire Sauerkraut Method

    3. 3. STEP 1: SET UP. Gather Supplies and Set Up Your Scale

    4. 4. STEP 2: CHOP. Prepare Your Vegetables and Cabbage

    5. 5. STEP 3: SALT. Create Your Brine

    6. 6. STEP 4: PACK. Pack Mixture Into Jar

    7. 7. STEP 5: SUBMERGE AND SEAL. Hold Below Brine

    8. 8. STEP 6: FERMENT. Watch the Bacteria Working for You

    9. 9. STEP 7: STORE. Move Ferment to Cold Storage

    1. 1. Sweet Garlic Sauerkraut Recipe [Download]

    2. 2. LIVE in My Fermentation Kitchen: SureFire Sauerkraut Demo [November 2021]

    3. 3. LIVE in My Fermentation Kitchen: SureFire Sauerkraut Demo [April 2021]

    4. 4. Recipe Collection: A Palette of Sauerkraut Recipes to Please Any Palate

About this course

  • $67.00
  • 89 lessons
  • 33 hours of video content